Monday, January 14, 2013


Comfy Travel Gear

"I wear versatile and comfortable clothes for a long flight, 
like a blazer, 
soft T-shirt and scarf with skinny jeans that stretch and ballet flats. The 
scarf could double as an extra pillow or blanket if need be, and I usually 
hang my blazer once I board the flight which keeps the wrinkles away. 
I also try to pack socks and thin slippers because the bathroom floor
 in the plane always seems to get wet and there is nothing worse than
 stepping in an unidentifiable wet puddle."

A Makeup Bag

"I think everyone likes feeling fresh after a flight, so I pack
a mini makeup bag with Hourglass concealer, a 
Shu Uemura eyelash curler, Hourglass or Physicians 
Formula mascara, Tarte cream blush, and Honest healing 
balm—flying can be extremely drying on your skin, so it's is 
a must-have for your lips, hands, and all other dry spots
 that need soothing."

TOMS Shoes

"TOMS are not only comfortable for walking long distances,
 but they are easy to slip on and off at a security checkpoint. 
Plus, the minimalist shoe is chic with jeans."

Honest Hand Sanitizer

"Because you’re exposed to so many germs while traveling, I always use our hand sanitizer as a way to prevent those common colds that one seems to get without fail when on an airplane. Even better, it 
comes in the TSA-approved 2 oz. size and kills germs 
without drying your skin."

The Nuddle Blanket

"The Nuddle is definitely a must-have travel item! I swear
 it’s the best blanket ever because you can tuck your feet 
into a pocket, slip your arms through open coverings, 
and fold it into a compact square when you need to
 pack up. I never leave home without mine."


"I try to avoid checking luggage whenever possible so these Spacepaks make that much easier."

Dr. Hauschka Rose Day Cream

"I apply this great face cream during my flights to make sure my skin stays hydrated and dewy."


"I love Rimowa's Topas line, but I really recommend 
any roller suitcase with wheels that turn in every direction 
and make it easy to navigate through airports and hotels."

Honest Discovery Kit

"Our discovery kit, which comes with five family essentials
 products, has perfect travel-sized bottles. They are
 great for throwing in your carry-on and the laundry 
detergent is awesome to have when you need to do some
 last minute washing after your kids leave their mark 
on your clothes."


"Airplanes, long travel days, and new climates can easily 
challenge my immune system, so I take Emergen-C to 
help stay healthy during my trips."

A Neck Pillow

"To make it easier to sleep in the airline's seat, any inexpensive neck pillow picked up at the airport will do!"

An iPad and the Luxe City Guides App

"Every parent and child enjoys a little entertainment on a
 long flight, so our iPad allows Honor to have playtime with 
educational and fun apps and it gives me an easy way to
 catch up on news and emails while on the go. And thanks
 to my new fave iPad accessory, a solar powered 
keyboard/cover, it’s even easier to do this when traveling. 
Luxe City Guides are my favorite and the app makes it so 
that you don’t have to carry a travel book around everywhere 
you go. I am a big fan of traveling light."


"I like drinking tea and you never know if the airline will 
offer your fave kind, so I recommend packing a few bags 
of the one you love for the plane."


"My fave headphones are Beats by Dr. Dre and Honor 
has some that I really like from Pottery Barn Kids because
 the cord is adjustable in length, it doesn’t get tangled up 
when she uses an iPad, and can be extended to watch a 
DVD on the computer so she’s not too close to the screen."

Honest Sunscreen

"Cash and I love to spend time outdoors with the girls, 
even when we’re on vacation. Our non-toxic Honest 
sunscreen is safe for the entire family, even Haven, so
 I make sure to pack it so everyone is always protected 
from the sun."


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